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Long Overdue Newsletter - March 2020
Upcoming Project: Ryan H. Vaughn
[Introduction] You're Being Watched: How Everything Leaders Do, Say and Are Sends a Message
Long Overdue Newsletter: February 2020
Jill of All Trades: Chapter 1
Cayman Went: Sample Chapter
Five Bells | Maelstrom
Long Overdue Newsletter - January 2020
Long Overdue Newsletter - December 2019
Check Your Font Size, Bro | Here or There
How does the Midwest sell us on winter? | Here or There
Do I still need a literary agent? | Unpublished
Chapter 1: Consummation | Tackle the Library: French Revolution
Chapter 2: The Company | Don't Be That Guy
Chapter 2: Settling In | Strawberry Moon
The Four Types of Book Publishers
Pre-order Cecil the Centipede
Restoring the Exclamation Point | Here or There
BBQ for Breakfast at Wrigley BBQ | Chicago BBQ Series