Since this is the last newsletter before Printers Row Lit Fest, wanted to post a quick recap of all the festivities leading up to the main event on Saturday, Sept. 7th, and Sunday, Sept. 8th. For more information, check out last month's newsletter.
Sunday, Sept. 1 - Bike ride from Diversey Driving Range to Printers Row Brewery
Wednesday, Sept. 4 - Cal the Librarian (aka my son Caleb) turns 3! We're kicking off a sale over at the Long Overdue online bookstore that will run through the weekend
Thursday, Sept. 5 - Children's book workshop/open forum. If you're interested in writing a children's book or illustrating one, come join this call. We'll try and answer any questions you might have about the writing, editing, or publishing process.
Friday, Sept. 6 - Cubs vs. Yankees at Wrigley Field. 1:20 afternoon game. If you're headed to the game, send me an email (chris@longoverduesbooks.com) Would love to catch up before, after, or at the ballpark
Saturday, Sept. 7 - Sunday, Sept. 8 - Printers Row Lit Fest, downtown Chicago. Woohoo!
Copy Editing - Catching that sports analogy
that's just a little bit... out of bounds
The editing stage for a book actually has three different stages. Developmental, Line, and Copy Editing. Here's a look at what each stage focuses on and how one sentence might make it through the first two stages before setting off an alarm.
Some friendly writing advice
for life's busy seasons
We want everyone to start and finish writing their "long overdue" book. And, ideally, carve out time every day to write. But let's be real, life gets in the way. Sometimes it's near impossible to find even 15 minutes. Instead of hitting ya with some pump up speech -- "Come on! You can do it! Wake up at 4:30 AM" -- here's a different perspective on why "writing" doesn't always happen in front of a keyboard.
Character Descriptions
TLC's one-sentence story in the song "No Scrubs"
TLC has a GREAT one-sentence story in their song "No Scrubs." A song that's secretly 25 years old... Background - A one or two-sentence story gives your reader a quick snapshot of a character (or setting) that goes beyond: He's nerdy. She's Type A. He's a slacker. Or the dreaded height, weight, and hair recap that feels like you're reading a police report.
So, what's a "scrub?" Here's how TLC gives a perfect character description in only 15 words.
Update on Black & Caspian Cookbook

As you might recall from last month's newsletter, we were looking at doing a launch party on September 2nd. We're gonna push this back a few weeks. More details to come in next month's newsletter.
As for the status of the book, we are getting ready to send this off to the printer (Bookbaby) this week and are hoping to have copies available at our Printers Row Lit Fest booth. You can secure one of the first edition copies right here in the bookstore.

Best place to keep up with all things Long Overdue is a tie between our monthly newsletter and our Instagram page. If you enjoy this newsletter and know someone who might enjoy it as well, let us know, we'll make sure to add them to our subscriber list. We also got back on Facebook recently, you can follow us here.
And check out our website - Long Overdue Books. Long Overdue Books is a community for creating books. It's a place for authors (and soon-to-be-authors), readers, editors, artists, and designers to come together and move their stories from ideas to finished books.
Also, if you have any questions, ideas, stories to tell, you can reach Cal the Librarian at - library@longoverduestories.com
